
A transgender woman
A worker woman,

She always is fighting
against patriarchy

She struggles with her
Rebel body

Truly, she believes in the
right to the rebellion

With a really poor origin
She came from a poor neighborhood
In Venezuela, a country that
Actually struggles for freedom

against modernity,
against racism,
against capitalism,
against patriarchal imperialism

With dignity and with many, many
Effort she’s a woman

In a World where the men
Are the Kings of our
Global Society

She puts in question the colonial
Imposition of gender and
Sexual orientation

She’s a woman…

With penis…

But, she’s one

She doesn’t want to be accepted
She only wants to be respected

She always try to show
To our society
With love,
and patience,


Just because she respects
And accept to rest of us,
To the rest of people
Like they wants to be,

to say,

to express,

to dress,

to talk,


A woman
Right now she hasn’t a feeling of justice
But she wants struggle until find it

She's not alone...

I guess she’s the revolution,
The permanent struggle
Must to be our revolution
In all our lives

She’s Ángela Díaz

My revolutionary friend

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